How to teach Dhamma to judges and civil workers?
I was assigned by the Civil Court Chief Official to teach Dhamma to judges and civil workers once a month starting in January. 2005 (B.E. 2548), and that troubled me because judges usually live in their own world. Everyone would like to dig deep into their thoughts and psyche. I would like to ask for Luang Phaw for suggestions how to teach Dhamma to this group of people.
What is Samsara
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes and that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes does not go against the third Buddhist precept, which is to avoid adultery. This is because they feel that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Why DMC is a Unique Channel
Buddhist Cosmology; e-book available
Buddhist Cosmology
วัดในอินโดนีเซีย –เครื่องรำลึกถึงความเป็นพุทธในอดีตของประเทศนี้
พระเจดีย์แห่งการตรัสรู้ธรรม Benalmadena