Core Value # 10: Wise enlightened ones exist
If someone whose mind has been illuminated by a proper understanding of the nine previous sorts of core value has the chance to meet up with a wise ‘good friend ‘ [kalyanamitta], they will appreciate how the level of illumination in their ownn mind has increased as the result of behaviour.
THE 38 WAYS TO HAPPINESS: Do not associate with fools
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Setting oneself up properly in life (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Blessing Six:- Setting oneself up properly in life
นักศึกษา มจร.ศึกษาดูงาน ณ วัดพระธรรมกาย
นักศึกษาภาควิชาสังคมวิทยาและมานุษยวิทยา คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย ได้มาศึกษาดูงาน ณ วัดพระธรรมกาย จังหวัดปทุมธานี เพื่อศึกษาดูงานด้านการผลิตสื่อสร้างสรรค์ และด้านการบริหารจัดการขยะ
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 4. Suffering as a result of Dying [marana dukkha]
All living beings have to undergo death before they are able to leave one existence for the next
Mind without Sorrow
A sorrowful mind refers to the condition of the mind where sorrow cracks the mind like dry leaves or soil. In some cases, it can be a result from disappointment in love
Social Disaster : 1. The Parent-Child Relationship
The catastrophe brought to society by parental neglect can be enlarged ad follows: Loss of Respect for One’s own Human Dignity
How does an old tradition of Thai society that urges children to prostrate themselves at their parents’ feet before going to bed help develop children’s virtue?
I’d like to ask you about an old tradition of Thai society that urges children to prostrate themselves at their parents’ feet before going to bed. How does this tradition help develop children’s virtue? If the people of the present time would like to reintroduce that tradition, where can they begin?
Why Do Buddhists Visit the Temple?
More than 2,500 years ago, Lord Gotama Buddha renounced his lavish princely life to live as an ascetic in search of the ultimate spiritual liberation.
The Noble Truth of Suffering : 7. Pain [dukkha dukkha]
The Buddha characterized this sort of suffering as that which makes the mind depressed and dejected