Mahapavarana – Day of Resolutions
A beautiful and pure heart, analogous to a precious gem that others can appreciate through one’s speech and action, is one of the many outstanding characteristics of a sage that develops as a direct result of countless lifetimes accumulating and cultivating virtuous deeds. A sage is a pundit who consistently thinks wholesome thoughts, speaks wise words, and performs good deeds, thus earning adulation and respect of everyone.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect
Raising Children to Be Smart and Virtuous#1
Our world seems to become smaller in terms of its interconnectedness. Changes occurring around the world have immediate effects on us socially and economically
Kathina Resolution
I pay homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, and the great teachers who have imparted upon me the Dhammakaya Knowledge.
Mechanism # 2: Abstention from the Four Forms of Bias
Bias may occur whenever two persons are together. If we are not careful, bias can start from our mind. It will never happen if we have responsibility for our own human dignity because the true cause of bias is the untrained mind.
Honoring the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajahn on the Anniversary of His 74th Birthday
As the 74th anniversary of the Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajahn’s (Luang Por Dattajeevo) – Vice Abbot of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya, birthday approaches, it is of great honor and privilege for his disciples, comprised of venerable monks, novice monks, laymen and laywomen, and the general public, to recognize the benevolence and kindness of this magnanimous human being for his complete devotion to Buddhism and the vast knowledge he has imparted on us.
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary
Creating the virtuous society for which the world awaits The kind of Society the World Awaits
In this chapter we will not only meet the word’ Good Friend’ [kalyanamitra] in addition to the ‘True Friend’
The 6th V-Star Challenge Day 2012
Another day for children who love to do good deeds. We call them "V-Star Children."
10th V-Star Unity Day : Assembly of Virtuous Youth
This Year, 10th V-Star Unity Day: Assembly of Virtuous Youth will be organized on Saturday, 12 December 2015. There are more than 5,000 schools will come to participate in this event.