Upasika Kaew Ordination and Training Program in DR Congo
Code of Good Conduct #2
Precepts refer to the regularity and normality of what humans should do. They are the basic disciplines in the Dhamma and distinguish humans from animals
Qualifications of good Persons
Faith is a part of any human being. When we have faith in goodness, we want to do good deeds for others and ourselves. Once I heard khun Yay Chandra say, “When we are born in this word, we should behave ourselves, be useful to ourselves and to others. If anyone behaves like this in this life, he or she will always be able to die with happiness.” Of course, this is always what good people do.
Teaching Your Unborn Child
Every parent wants their child to be healthy and good. However, there are many parents who do not understand that in order to have a good child they have to practice good behavior
The Noble Eightfold Path
Whatever we do, we have to begin by understanding our goals correctly. We might start by asking ourselves why we have to do it. If we understand why, then we will try to do it properly. There are two major correct understanding.
I can’t stress this enough . . . no, really, I can’t
Responsibility? Why Do I Have to Have it?
What would society be like if husbands and wives ignored each other, parents and children ignored each other, teachers did not take responsibility for their students, employers ignored their employees, and monks ignored their teaching?
Letters from the little presidents of Kathina Ceremony 2010
Lovely letters from the little presidents of Kathina Ceremony 2010. Every children can do big good deeds such as being the president of Kathina Ceremony. Nong Ja+ and Nong Aiko are the examples of these children.
Why we have to study the Blessings?
There is one interesting point of life. Only studying a lot to achieve great intelligence in order to have a good job and to earn a lot o9f money is not enough to be born as a human being
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Usage (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Nine :- Artfulness in Usage.