The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Nineteen :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness.
What is the definitive meaning to the saying “Good deeds brings wholesome results and bad deeds produce retribution”?
What is the definitive meaning to the saying “Good deeds brings wholesome results and bad deeds produce retribution”? Luangphaw can you please help clarify this for me because people nowadays believe that doing good deeds does not necessary lead to good results. However, they believe that misdeeds can yield benefits. What has led them to think in this way?
กรรมชั่วที่ทำแล้ว ยังไม่ให้ผลทันทีทันใด เหมือนนมที่รีดใหม่ ๆ ไม่กลายเป็นนมเปรี้ยวในทันที แต่มันจะค่อย ๆ เผาผลาญผู้กระทำในภายหลัง เหมือนไฟไหม้แกลบ
The ways to Recognize a Wise person:
A wise person will behave in the following ways: 1. They will support others to do the right thing and encourage them to reject negative habits e.g. smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs and stealing
Associate With The Wise.
In general, we think that one who graduated school and earned a degree was wise. Actually, he/she is just only a graduate, but not truly wise.
What does ‘Building good foundations for life’ mean?
This phrase means setting the main goal of life as good and positive, with stable foundations and an optimistic future for this life time and others
Abstaining from Unwholesomeness # 1
“Before we dress up beautifully, we need to shower off all the dirt. So as before we purify the mind for a higher virtue, we need to abstain from all kinds of unwholesomeness
เหตุอย่างเดียวกัน แต่ได้ผลต่างกัน
เหตุอย่างเดียวกัน เป็นผลดีแก่คนหนึ่ง แต่เป็นผลร้ายแก่อีกคนหนึ่งได้ เพราะฉะนั้นเหตุอย่างเดียวกัน มิใช่ว่าจะเป็นผลดีไปทั้งหมด และมิใช่ว่าจะเป็นผลร้ายเสมอไป
Dhamma Practice
Dried sandal wood is still fragrant, squeezed sugar cane is still sweet, refined salt is still salty, but a wise man, even in crisis, still practices Dhamma
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Two :- Associate with the Wise.