UG 5 (ความดีพื้นฐานสากล 5 ประการ)
UG 5 (ความดีพื้นฐานสากล 5 ประการ) คือ คุณลักษณะพื้นฐานที่มนุษย์ทุกคนต้องมี เพื่อพัฒนาตนเองให้มีคุณภาพ และพัฒนาสังคมให้มีความเจริญงอกงาม และอยู่ร่วมกันอย่างมีความสุข โดยคุณลักษณะเหล่านี้จะต้องฝึกฝนเป็นประจำทุกวันจนเป็นนิสัย
What is Meditation?
What is Meditation? When you are talking about meditation, you have to understand first that meditation is not the matter to the hermit or the ordained ones only But meditation is the way to train and develop your mind to become more stable,
The Noble Eightfold Path on the Mundane Level # 7
This form of mindfulness is mindfulness that is constantly monitoring the level of wholesomeness in the mind never letting wholesomeness slip away from the mind and its intentions
Not Leaving One’s Work Undone.
It’s inevitable for us to avoid our life’s duties since we were bom starting from our duties as children, as brothers, as sisters, as pupils, as people, as husbands, as wives, as parents, as monks, as nuns, as leaders, as slaves, etc.
The Noble Eightfold Path
Whatever we do, we have to begin by understanding our goals correctly. We might start by asking ourselves why we have to do it. If we understand why, then we will try to do it properly. There are two major correct understanding.
Pure Inner Wisdom
Many people have informed me that after they have practiced meditation, their daily behaviours and abilities to resolve problems improve significantly.
Daily activities and the mind should go together
In order to achieve the benefits of meditation, you must practise meditation on a daily basis. You cannot miss even for a day.
Meditation Testimonials-Johannesburg South Africa
The peace starts with me as an individual. For every individual who comes to meditate and develops that peace It means ‘another’ individual who is out there who is forming part of what could have been eventually be a complete body of people
Basic Meditation Technique Step #3
Now, bring your mind to focus to the center of your body, in the middle of your abdomen, two finger widths above the navel level.
ดอกซากุระเบ่งบาน พร้อมความสุขภายใน
โครงการรับผู้ฝึกสอนสมาธิเบื้องต้น จาก 208 ประเทศทั่วโลก หรือ MMC