Blessing Our Descendants #2
The Lord Buddha taught the way to create the very best in oneself by eliminating greed, anger, and ignorance through the accumulation of merit.
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บทความดีๆที่สตีฟ จอบส์ ผู้สร้าง Macintosh แสดงในวันรับปริญญาของ Stanford University เมื่อวันที่ 12 มิถุนายน 2548
The Value of Life
Although we realize that our lives will not last a thousand years, sometimes we still let ourselves drift down into the stream of worldly pleasures which causes us suffering
Ordaining for One’s Parents Brings Merit
In this day and age of ever-present temptations and perpetual pressure to make a living, it is especially rare to find any family with a son who ordains as a Buddhist monk for at least the period of Buddhist Lent
Blessing Our Descendants
When we reach old age, blessing our descendants becomes an important duty among our many obligations
The Last Moment of a Father’s Life
One day, a lady come to seek advice from a respected senior monk about how to care for her dying father;
How Good Deeds Can Bring Good Outcomes
It has always ben a challenge to develop human beings to resist the temptations to do bad deeds
Fathers That Children hate
Sometimes when a father is addicted to the roads to ruin, [Apayamukha] and unable to be the leader of the household, the responsibilities fall upon the mother
The Womanizing and Alcoholic Husband
A husband who is unfaithful and who drinks alcohol to excess can cause a family to fall apart
Teach Children to Care for Critically Ill Relatives
All those who are living will one day depart from this world, but before they depart, they are usually ill, lying on a hospital bed