Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes and that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes does not go against the third Buddhist precept, which is to avoid adultery. This is because they feel that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Meditation Testimonials-Eric Levine-CEO
Just sit quietly being ever so light. Let everything go and it will turn so bright. Seeing yourself for the first time is a wondrous miracle in itself.
Abstaining from Unwholesomeness # 2
means: being ashamed of unwholesomeness. Even if others don’t see what we are doing, but we bear still witness to our own unwholesome deeds it will cause us to be discontent
You Are My Everything
At a silent night, when my father was drinking in that unfinished house, he suddenly cried in suffering and wriggled as if he was being harmed. When my mother met him, he was already dead. His whole body was bruised, and nobody could tell the cause of his death
4th Euporean Ordination Ceremony // July 10, 2016—Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux
On the morning of July 10, 2016, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux held the ordination ceremony for the 4th European Ordination program with the priviledge of having Most Ven. Phravitespawanadhamma, the abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Bavaria being the preceptor monk.
Encourage Each Other
From a wealthy family we suddenly turned the opposite way, which we were not prepared for. My father drank even more after this depression. When he got drunk, he would hurt my mother several times.
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Bad subordinates
Questions from an audience: Every time before I make a big merit, I have met something wrong and being worried. Why do my subordinates make me feel uneasy? What can I do to solve this problem?
How does an old tradition of Thai society that urges children to prostrate themselves at their parents’ feet before going to bed help develop children’s virtue?
I’d like to ask you about an old tradition of Thai society that urges children to prostrate themselves at their parents’ feet before going to bed. How does this tradition help develop children’s virtue? If the people of the present time would like to reintroduce that tradition, where can they begin?
Meeting Monks Often.
Both of them when compared, result in the latter one being a much more exceptional and desirable happiness that nothing could be compared with.
Parents, Worthy of Our Reverence
In 1999, statistics in Thailand showed that the number of elderly people who are being neglected increased by at least 300,000 per year while retirement homes in Thailand can only accommodate an increase of 200 people per year