ศีล และ สมาธิ เป็นเรื่องสากล
พระธรรมเทศนา โดย พระภาวนาวิริยคุณ (หลวงพ่อทัตตชีโว) รองเจ้าอาวาสวัดพระธรรมกาย
Knowledge is way to contentment
The Ordination
Loved You Since the Previous Life
ฆhe started telling me that the 3rd sorcerer had appeared in her dreams. He told her that he would take care of me himself because I had been his wife in the past life. He had been seeking me for 100 years.
Some people have compared the Bodhisatta’s renunciation of his life and someone committing a suicide. Please explain how the two are different.
In the circumstance that there might be false allegation made against us without any truth in it. How should we take it?
I would like to ask a question about the circumstance that there might be false allegation made against us without any truth in it. How should we take it?
For jealous people what is their downside and how can this be rectified?
How is a fool is and what are the ill-effects from associating with the fools?
The first auspiciousness of life teaches us not to associate with the fools. First of all, I’d like to know how a fool is like, and what the ill-effects from associating with the fools are.
Preference Because of Hate
“I do not like her because she always works very hard, stays late at the office every night, and then gets promotions. That makes me look bad to my boss.”
Looking for a Sympathetic Friend
A sympathetic friend possesses admirable characteristics far different from the one who leads you down the road to ruin