Types and Methods of Meditation
Most people shy away from suffering and seek after happiness. Unfortunately the happiness that most people find gives only temporary relief from suffering – because it does not reach the roots of suffering or lead to permanent happiness.
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon : The Components of the Noble Eightfold Path
The Lord Buddha explained that the Noble Eightfold Path comprises: 1. Right View [Samma Ditthi] 2. Right Intention [Samma Sankappa]
The Power of Luang Pu :- My sales volume jumps to the top
This man unveiled that how he experienced the power of Luang Pu and what his intention is...!
Fight to save Buddhism
A true fighter becomes a true monk! This monk unveiled why he fights to save Buddhism. The true Buddhists don't miss!!
Wat Phra Dhammakaya London arranged the Dhamma Talk activity
Wat Phra Dhammakaya London arranged the Dhamma Talk activity to teach Dhamma for the natives in English
International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP12)
Join the International Monk Ordination Training Program with International Dhammadaya Ordination Program April 5th - May 4th, 2014 and July 6th - August 4th, 2014
Light of Peace Fest 2024
Join Bali's most powerful peace event on September 21, 2024, at ARMA Ubud. Experience mass meditation, interfaith dialogue, and a magical Sea of Candle Lights. Free registration available!
Kathina Resolution
I pay homage to the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, and the great teachers who have imparted upon me the Dhammakaya Knowledge.
A Meditation Guide
Start by sitting in a relaxed half-lotus position by placing your right leg on your left leg, your right hand on your left hand
Introduction to Meditation at New York University
The Buddhist Council of New York invites the Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of New Jersey (D.I.M.C.N.J) to give an introduction to meditation.