Knowing How to Spend Money in Your Pocket
After we know how to earn and save money for living, we then have to know how to spend our money. Whenever we think about buying things, we have to be able to answer these questions.
Having a Good Network
People who have only material things in their lives without good friends or good people around them will not be completely secure and successful.
The Harm of Mental Defilements
The Lord Buddha stresses that the three categories of defilement: greed, hatred and delusion are like usurpers in the mind. They darken our minds and obstruct us from enlightenment.
Know How to Save to Save Your Life
People who are nice, honest, and rich without saving their money will eventually be poor. People who Know how to save money will avoid debt.
Have Good Jobs and Keep Doing Good Work
We have to work for our living. Those who have good jobs and keep doing good work need to work hard. In order to keep working hard, we have to be patient.
The Essence of Human Reformation
When we consider the subject of reforming human nature, the subject of this book, we mean the transformation process from the untrained to the well-trained mind.
Goal in This Life
People should have clear goals in their lives. When we have good goals to accomplish, we will not waste our time and life doing other useless things.
The Efficiency of the well-trained mind
The stated qualities cause those who have well-trained minds to have the courage to take responsibility for human dignity on various levels.
How to Be Successful Permanently
Money is one of many important things in our lives, but money is not the most important thing in our lives. So to be successful does not mean that we have to be millionaires.
What are the characteristics of a refined mind?
The refined mind is clear, bright, and free from defilements. To refine one’s mind is not easy because one has to work against the temptations thrown up by the mental defilements.
How Do We Practice Responsibility?
Those four responsibilities (oneself, society, economy, and environment) are difficult to practice. Yet one who practices will have a peaceful mind.
What are the Characteristics of Untrained Mind?
When the mind is obscured by defilements, it is constricted like being imprisoned in a small dark room. Just as one who is imprisoned alone becomes paranoid about possible dangers, the first impulse will be to save his own skin.
Making Things Practical.
Each direction in the six directions serves as a good environment. Within each relationship, we learn from each other through our actions. Our mind is the most powerful thing.
Spiritual Mentors Should...
The followers expect their spiritual mentors to be honest and sincere with their followers and themselves. They should not show preference to a major benefactor.
Why Does Effort have to be made to Refine the Mind?
There are various reasons that cause our minds to be clouded. There are both internal and external factors.
A Person Should Serve His or Her Spiritual Mentors
The direction above us, represents the relationships we have with others as result of our spiritual vocation i.e. our spiritual mentors, monks, or priests.
Employees and Servants Should Serve Their Employers
Even if we have a bad boss, the boss still may have points for us about which to feel grateful. At the very least, he or she gives us the opportunities to work to make money to support our lives.
The Nature of the Mind
What we mean by the ‘mind’ in not the brain, but something more similar to the ‘spirit’ which exists inside our body. In this book we use the word ‘mind’ to mean this nuomenon.
An Employer Should cherish His or Her Employees
The nadir, or the direction below us, represents the relationships we have with others as a result of earning our living or as a result of being an employer.
Good Friends Should...
Giving and forgiving is a key to making friendships and making relationships. There should be no resentment of any mistakes or misunderstandings occur in relationships.