How to live in a Suitable Environment:
Choose a location that is appropriate and thriving. It should be easy to find good schools, appropriate employment and a good location for building a house and so on
Thoroughly Attaining Nirvana.
Is there any place in the world that is without suffering? No. How come Prince Siddhartha became ordained?
Building Good Foundations for Life
“A salesman makes profit because of a good location, capital and good administration
Looking for a Sympathetic Friend
A sympathetic friend possesses admirable characteristics far different from the one who leads you down the road to ruin
Making Things Practical.
Each direction in the six directions serves as a good environment. Within each relationship, we learn from each other through our actions. Our mind is the most powerful thing.
The Harm of Mental Defilements
The Lord Buddha stresses that the three categories of defilement: greed, hatred and delusion are like usurpers in the mind. They darken our minds and obstruct us from enlightenment.
The Noble Truth of Suffering : Metaphors for the importance of the Aggregates of Clinging
The Soil of the Earth: Just as the soil is prerequisite for the growth of all forms of plant life the aggregates of Clinging are prerequisite to the arising of all other forms of suffering
The method of keeping the goals of life strong :
By being reasonable, practical and by keeping a strong faith and belief; believe in what you know is correct and good
There are two types of a wise:
The external wise one is an individual who behaves well, follows strong moral and ethical principles and uses their wisdom in everyday life.
The characteristics of a Fool:
A fool will have a cloudy and dull mind, as it is full to brimming with negative and damaging thoughts